I collect journals. I have at least a hundred. And, generally, I don’t even write in them. (It’s a sickness, I know.) So, one would think the last thing I needed was a project involving more journals. But that’s precisely what’s happened.
In some roundabout way, I landed on a YouTube video of Raven-Symone making a padded journal.
And that was the beginning of the end, because it was also when I remembered I had a bunch of fabric left over from my wannabe fashion designer and plenty of glue sticks and ribbon from my crafty diva phases.
So far I’ve already made two journals (and they were a hoot), with plenty more in the works.
You can click on the picture for a ginormous view
I’ve been using the first journal (the black & white leopard print) as my everyday random thoughts journal and the second (the orange plaid) as my random book notes and grocery list journal.
Frankly, I have no idea what I could use the remaining journals I plan to create for. In that vein, I thought I’d reach out to you. Maybe you could use one to pen the next great memoir. Just don’t forget me when you become rich and famous and have a movie made out of your life.
If you’d like me to make you a padded journal, just leave me a quick comment. In two weeks, I’ll select two* people randomly to choose the desired fabric and ribbon and I’ll get to gluin’. Yes, international readers may partake in the fun.
I can’t take all the credit for this idea, though. It was a post over at Ms. Bookish that got the wheels turning. I offered to make one for Belle, fully expecting her to laugh at me, but she said she was serious about wanting one and then I thought, I wonder if anyone else would be interested in receiving a padded journal.
(*I’d love to make and send a journal to everyone who asks for one, but I do have budgetary constraints. Sorry.)
# Dawn wrote on March 13, 2010 at 3:40 pm:
This cracked me up because I buy journals all the time without writing in them. My friends always laugh at me about it. These are tooooo cute. I would love one.
# ShootingStarsMag wrote on March 14, 2010 at 12:41 am:
Oh, I’m the same. I LOVE journals but I don’t have much use for them half the time or I forget too but omg, I really want one of these. I do write lots of little notes.
# Jennifer Spedowfski-Martin wrote on March 15, 2010 at 1:45 am:
Creative, crafty idea… my favorite kinds. I started making padded journals and with the first one, I made the mistake of padded the inside cover which just made writing a challenge when the page was flipped to that side of the book.
Since then I have taken to sometimes doing the collage thing on the cover and sometimes the fabric thing.
I love the back to school sales that offer Composition Notebooks at 2/$1.00. Those are the best to use, imho.
BTW, I would be interested in picking out the fabrics of the next journal. It would be a lot of creative “fushion.”
.-= Jennifer Spedowfski-Martin´s last blog ..Morning Motherhood =-.
# Fell Off the Book Buying Abstinence Bandwagon and Hit the Pavement Hard (But It Felt So Good) - Today, I Read… wrote on March 15, 2010 at 11:44 am:
[...] remember my slight obsession with journals? Well, I also came home with some new journals and [...]
# Marie wrote on March 15, 2010 at 2:09 pm:
Dude, those are so Raven. I’ve fallen asleep on my notebooks so many times, it’d be nice to have some comfort while I do it.
Pillow book! Wait, that’s something completely different, isn’t it?
.-= Marie´s last blog ..In other slightly self-absorbed news… =-.
# Nicole wrote on March 16, 2010 at 9:01 pm:
I’m inspired to write this summer and a journal, no, a ‘Padded Journal’ would fuel my inspiration to write. The pictures of your journals look fab. I would have never thought of that and yet I have no time to consider doing this for I am extremely booked.
Would REALLY REALLY REALLY ****L O V E**** TO GET A JOURNAL. P L E A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
# The Girl from the Ghetto wrote on March 18, 2010 at 1:02 am:
I would love to win a padded journal. I swear to you that I was at Meijer Saturday night, doing some grocery shopping, and picked up and put down a journal because “it was too expensive.” I have been laid off for 6 months and I try not to spend any extra money on myself. How funof you to do this contest.
And, thanks for stopping by my blog, because I’m so glad to have found yours. You have a lot of interesting things going on here. I love getting to know fellow book readers!
.-= The Girl from the Ghetto´s last blog ..Thank You WordPress! =-.
# More Padded Journal Goodness - Today, I Read… wrote on March 22, 2010 at 8:02 am:
[...] If you’d like me to make a padded journal for you, there’s still time to enter the giveaway. [...]
# Tracee wrote on March 22, 2010 at 6:33 pm:
Wow – these are fantastic! I would love one of them – thanks for the opportunity to win:)
.-= Tracee´s last blog ..Another great giveaway =-.
# Alita wrote on March 23, 2010 at 12:37 pm:
Ooooh these are so fun! I’d love one of these journals
.-= Alita´s last blog ..Monday Round Up (03.22.10) =-.
# Nicole wrote on March 28, 2010 at 1:37 pm:
Don’t forget me. Those journals are looking more attractive and useful evreyday.