Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

July 19

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Recent Arrivals: Utopia’s Avenger (Vol. 1 & 2) by Oh Se-Kwon

by Ann-Katrina

Recent Arrivals chronicles the books that have made their way onto the Today, I Read… bookshelf. Here’s the latest arrival: Utopia’s Avenger by Oh Se-Kwon

Utopia's Avenger Vol 1 Utopia's Avenger Vol 2

First line: Company, halt! (Volume 1)

Initial thoughts: Since the manga that I’d been soaking up lately were along the lines of laid-back comedy or supernatural suspense, I decided I should probably throw in a bit of action. Utopia’s Avenger won out because the art is awesome and the story sounded interesting.

Book description:

Once, there was a legendary kingdom called Yuldo, an ideal country in which peace and prosperity flourished for years. The heroic warrior Hong Gil-Dong created this utopian land–and then suddenly disappeared without a trace. But time passed, and a band of ruthless warriors invaded the kingdom, leaving it in utter ruins…

Now, Hong Gil-Dong has returned, determined to raise his village from the ashes. But evil forces lurk in the shadows, observing our hero’s every move–waiting for the opportunity to strike down utopia’s avenger…

Book Details: 200 pages (each volume); TokyoPop; Pub. December 2006 – April 2007

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