Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

June 6

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If Movies Were Books…

by Ann-Katrina

keith-cover I discovered a new movie on Netflix* called Keith. (Great movie if you’re into angst-ridden teenage romantic dramas.)

As I watched the evolution of the movie–the setting, the characters and development–I kept thinking OMG, this would make such an amazing book, why has no one written it yet.

I do this partly because an hour and a half hardly seems like enough time when you’ve connected with the characters.

Now I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only person who, while watching some amazing movie, starts wishing that it were a book too.

* I’m also wondering if I’m the only person who finds it spooky that Netflix’s recommendations and “best guesses” are like 99.9% accurate.

Comments on If Movies Were Books…

  1. # Belle wrote on June 6, 2009 at 6:50 pm:

    I do this all the time, but usually it’s about a tangent, not usually the movie itself. Like, what a great character/idea/situation, what-if this, that, this happened instead?

  2. # ShootingStarsMag wrote on June 10, 2009 at 12:19 pm:

    I’ve never seen this movie, but thanks for reminding me of it. I saw it at Blockbuster and wanted to check it out.

    Anyway, I’m always doing this. I love to read, so I hate when a movie isn’t a book sometimes. LOL

    One example is the film Invisible…I think that’s what it’s called…the boy is invisible except to one girl and she needs to find his body before he fully dies. It’s a great film and I would have loved a book version of it.


  3. # Ann-Kat wrote on June 10, 2009 at 9:05 pm:

    OMG I absolutely adored The Invisible. So much so that I bought the DVD after renting it. You’re right that it would have made an amazing book. Seriously, someone needs to just write it. :D

    OK, did a bit of digging and it seems as though a book may have been written (or the story may have been based on the book). It’s not in English, but there’s a translated version and the storyline sounds an awful lot like the movie. The book is aptly titled The Invisible.

  4. # Ann-Kat wrote on June 10, 2009 at 9:07 pm:

    Belle, I find myself doing that too. Whole stories start forming in my head. Gotta love it.

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