Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

September 24

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Dewey Readmore Books: One For the Cat Lovers

by Ann-Katrina

dewey-cover Despite trying to be good about not binging on more books, I had to snag a copy of Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron when I saw the adorable kitty on the front cover. I remember hearing about Dewey somewhere else (which escapes me at the moment), but it wasn’t until I saw it within my grasp that I decided to pick up a copy. My reasoning was that I would read it after I finished the book of the moment. Unfortunately it didn’t take long for that plan to go straight to pot.

The book was sitting there, too close to me, calling out to me and those big kitty eyes on the front cover begged me to crack the spine and just read a little. How was I to resist? Well, I couldn’t. And a little bit turned into about six chapters. Quite frankly, those first six chapters were enough to get me to shelf my book of the moment so I can finish reading Dewey. I probably would have finished it last night if I didn’t actually need to sleep.

While reading, I could completely empathize with one character in particular who didn’t warm up to Dewey right away–not everyone is born a cat person–but after a bit of persistence, Dewey became his new lap buddy. It reminded me of the story of my own little fur ball (who I nicknamed Fuzzy Butt). Ever since the one-eyed cat incident of my youth, I had not been a cat person. Cat’s frightened me, with their sharp claws and fangs. But, one day, a friend brought me a tiny bundle of gray fur who had been hiding, frightened and hungry, in the bushes and that changed everything. I suddenly found myself a cat person. (Or, at least, a one cat person.)

(Yes, that’s my little Fuzzy Butt and yes, she’s underneath the comforter like she owns the bed.)

Dewey’s story of survival is heart-tugging and gut-wrenching, but his antics are laugh out loud funny. Plenty of credit needs to be given to Myron because the flow of the book is very smooth which makes it an incredibly smooth and easy read. She makes the lessons that Dewey instills in everyone who meets him easy to understand without speaking down to the reader. Definitely looking forward to finishing this one and that will most likely happen tonight.

By the way, Dewey Readmore Books has a Facebook page.

Comments on Dewey Readmore Books: One For the Cat Lovers

  1. # Christina Winters wrote on September 28, 2008 at 9:08 am:

    Oh my goodness! I just saw a wonderful story on Dewey Readmore Books on Sunday Morning Sept.28,08. I was so into this story I have to go and find it at my local bookstore. I hope they have it. I think every library needs a cat with a story, to bring readers in that haven’t been in one for years, including myself… God Bless Dewey & Ms Myron

  2. # Pamela Harrison wrote on September 28, 2008 at 12:12 pm:

    I saw a morning tv story on Dewey today. He was so adorable and it was such a wonderful and touching story. I am such a cat lover anyway and he really touched my heart. I am definately going to get the book for my collection.

  3. # kristine trudell wrote on September 28, 2008 at 4:50 pm:

    I, too, saw the story on CBS Sunday Morning. Anything that gets people to read more is a plus. Besides, being a cat person, I couldn’t resist those eyes! Will be looking for this book tomorrow.

  4. # Robin Jeffers wrote on September 28, 2008 at 5:09 pm:

    I too saw the story this morning on Sunday Morning about Dewey. It so touched the heart of my husband & I. We are both cat lovers and it was such a feel good story.
    Can’t wait to read the book and we need more people like Ms. Myron! Bless you!

  5. # Ann-Kat wrote on September 28, 2008 at 7:34 pm:

    You all, especially being cat lovers, will absolutely fall in love with Dewey even more once you read the book. I found myself sniffling at some of the harder points (especially the first morning when they found him in the drop box) and laughing right out loud (and I mean full on belly laughs) at some of the trouble Dewey gets himself into. You’ll probably love the rubber band story, but I don’t wanna spoil it. Also, the photos of Dewey in different situations at the beginning of each chapter is a nice touch.

    Hmm…note to self: Get the Dewey review up soon. :)

  6. # Loletta Chan wrote on October 19, 2008 at 11:11 pm:

    Library cat means a lot to me becasue I also met a wonderful cat outside the Library building when I studied my MLS in the U.S. I saw her every day when I went to classes. I did feed her sometimes. In those days, she became a special friend of mine. I can’t wait to read this book and feel the nice touch!

  7. # gina wrote on October 30, 2008 at 1:18 pm:

    i think that this book inspired alot if poeple even for cat lovers

  8. # barbara cerkanowicz wrote on December 2, 2008 at 10:11 pm:

    I read the book, I enjoyed a lot. This book is a must have at your home to read. Make sure you a box of keelenx with you. You will cry.

  9. # marie shepherd wrote on January 28, 2009 at 1:34 pm:

    I loved this book. I work in a school library and am a cat lover who is proud to have four cats live with my family. Each one of them has a story all their own. One is an 18 year old who still manages to capture my heart through her every day struggles. I would recommend this book to everyone, especially those who understand that cats have so much to offer and teach people.

  10. # Taylor V wrote on March 4, 2009 at 8:02 pm:

    I love Dewey. I have the book by Vicki Myron. This guy in my class always says dewey the dookster or dooooooo dooooooooo dooooooooo dewey

  11. # Ann wrote on March 22, 2009 at 1:48 pm:

    I read Dewey in approximately 2 days, and I fell in love with him. I wish I could’ve had a chance to meet him before he…well, before he passed.

  12. # Irene Stanton wrote on March 25, 2009 at 1:54 pm:

    I just finished the book about Dewey, the library cat.
    It is a wonderful book for anyone who not only loves
    animals, but it is about an angel that came in the
    form of a cat and changed many people’s lives, just
    by being there to provide, love, comfort, laughter.
    This book will make you laugh a lot, but it will also
    make you cry. Vicki Myron wrote an incredible book about an abandoned cat who spread love everywhere, just by being himself.

  13. # brianna young wrote on April 1, 2009 at 9:27 pm:

    I completely loved the book dewey the small town library cat it was very touching. Imostly liked it because I NOT ONLY AM CRAZY ABOUT CATS I love animals so I recommand any animal lover to read this spectacular book.

  14. # Toni Francis wrote on April 24, 2009 at 11:07 pm:

    I read Dewey’s story this week and WOW. I wasn’t looking for a book to read but was in a bookstore with my brother anyway. Like so many of you I picked it off the shelf because of the adorable cat on the cover. I was flicking and stopped at the chapter about Dewey’s ‘escape’ and firstly I HAD to read to the end of the chapter to ‘see what happened’, and then I was crying…in the middle of the bookstore. I HAD to buy it! Imagine my awkwardness at having to front up to the counter to buy for my purchase with red weepy eyes. I’ve read it now, surfed the net for anything I can find about Dewey, and can’t wait for my mum to read about Dewey, the cat I’ve never met but have fallen in love with!

  15. # Cilla Langley wrote on May 13, 2009 at 6:32 pm:

    Thanks to Vicki Myron and the British publisher for bringing Dewey to the world.

  16. # Nancy Polanka wrote on May 27, 2009 at 4:50 pm:

    I recently read this book and I absolutely loved it! I feet like I knew everyone in the book and especially Dewey. What a fantastic heartwarming story. I cried my eyes out of course but they were tears of happiness. Thank you Dewey and Vicki.

    Nancy Polanka
    Vancouver BC

  17. # Review: Dewey’s Nine Lives by Vicki Myron with Brett Witter wrote on December 15, 2010 at 5:24 am:

    [...] won’t lie, I’m a cat person. It’s why I purchased (read and loved) “Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World” and jumped at the opportunity to read “Dewey’s Nine [...]

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